Become a Featured Fashion Model

Urbanity Chic is  interested in supporting great creative talent. If you’re a fashion model with a unique style and flair we’d like to give you an opportunity to showcase your talent.We do this by conducting online interviews. It will help to get our readers to know you, your muse and something about you, your style and your vibe which makes you unique.

Become a Featured Model

The interview process is very straightforward. By entering your name and e-mail in the form below you will receive a set of initial interview questions automatically which will give you a chance to tell us everything about yourself and what you do.

Also if you have them, to make the best possible experience for our readers, we encourage you to find as much of the following as possible:

  • Images (the more the better to showcase your talents!)
  • Links to your other sites
  • Anything else you have which will promote yourself.

Please make sure to include these when you return the completed interview questions.


Showcase your Talent at Urbanity Chic


So, in summary, you will have an online interview about yourself, your talents, your muse, links to your other online sites (good for SEO) and images and videos so our reader can learn, enjoy and hopefully become your next big fan!

Become a Featured Photographer on Urbanity Chic

If you’re interested in this opportunity please use the contact form on the left to write us a quick e-mail and express your interest.

Then once we’ve got back to you, just enter your contact information in the box below. After your e-mail address is confirmed you will receive by e-mail an initial set of interview questions as well as a list of tips telling you about other things which you could include. (We do this because it basically saves both us and you an incredible amount of time).

We will then review your initial responses and get back to you with any further information we require to make the interview the best piece possible!

By having this system in place we can ensure that the interview is totally free for you and we both work together to make a great article!




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