About Us

When Urbanity Chic started serendipitously in early 2011 it’s aim was to partner informative fashion articles, insights about the greatest fashion icons and interviews with upcoming people in the fashion world.

Over the first few months it was interesting to discover that despite a large amount of fashion and style related articles, the most popular pieces by far were those about upcoming but extremely talented and creative people. Upon reflection it’s easy to see why. It’s people that drive fashion trends, people that embody style and people that have the ability to create something magical.

You may notice some similarities between all the people featured irrespective of geographical location, personal interests or profession. Everyone has or is working towards breaking out of established patterns, either within their life, their situation or their art and is looking at things in a different way. This in my opinion is a sign of incredible creativity.

Visit this website just for a few minutes to learn a bit more about your favourite fashion designer,or just dip in to sample some great photos and insights from incredible talent.

Hope you enjoy reading everything and if you’d like to get in touch please feel free to contact me using the contact form on the left or by:


Twitter: @urbanitychic


All the best,

Kevin Allen

Editor-in-Chief -- URBANITY CHIC



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