Adella Pasos is a multi-talented model originally from Chicago but is now spending much of her time working on modeling projects in Miami and Los Angeles too! Despite her increasingly hectic schedule we were delighted that Adella took the time to complete an interview with Urbanity Chic. Read on to discover, amongst other things, what Adella has been working on for the last 12 months, her love of fine art and how she prepares for a fashion shoot.

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos
Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?
My love for fashion, my passion for glamour and makeup, and clothing brands drove me into the modeling field. I love being in the spotlight and the ability to convey emotion in imagery makes me proud of the work I do. My mother was a big influence in my life with keeping me on track with achieving my goals. She actually put me into a modeling school at the tender age of 6. She believed this is what I was meant to do.
Q: How have the last 12 months been for you?
The last 12 months have been exceptional! I’ve had lots of online features, many doors have opened up, and I’ve also had magazine covers! I’m thankful.
Q: Who inspires you?
My mother. She manages to stay humble and meek in all things that she does. She’s very patient with others, and she remains respectful to everyone she comes in contact with. She always strives to exceed all her goals and expectations.
Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?
Some of my favorite designers would be Dolce and Gabbana, and also Alexander McQueen. Their styles range from sleek, sexy, to bold, abrupt, and loud. I feel fashion should be loved and respectfully displayed in all of those styles. They make fashion ‘cutting edge’. My favorite models right now would be Miranda Kerr, she’s not just one of the best Victoria’s Secret models, but she consistently diversifies her work. She appears in makeup, perfume, and has walked to runway for top designers as she walked the runway for Christian Dior, Lanvin, and Chanel.
Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?
I prefer a little of both actually. I love the outdoors shoots, they provide a little more variety and color. The studio shoots also have the benefits of special effects and lighting that can work in your benefit as well.
Q: Do you have any interesting stories about a particular photo shoot, or a casting you’d like to share?
My best experience is working with fashion designers. I come from a background where I have a deep appreciation for art and design. Many of these designers put their hearts and soul into creation of their clothing. The produce unique, one-of-a-kind couture pieces, that some even hand sew. I’m very proud to work with those designers to showcase their awesome apparel.

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos
Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?
Generally, I start my day off with a protein shake, I exercise, then stretch, take all my vitamins, make sure I have a bottle of water, and a granola snack bar in my purse, my favorite lip gloss, and off I go.
Q: Do you have a favourite photograph?
Yes, my original shoots that I did with the Ford Mustang are my favourite. I love the car, the bikini, and the pictures were amazing!

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos
Q: Who is your favourite photographer?
Currently, the one from my hometown, CS Jackson Photography. He’s doing great work, and continues to move forward in his profession.
Q: Is there anybody you would like to work with?
Not specifically, but I love collaborating with highly creative individuals, and those who are passionate about their work.
Q: What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion means style, different, edgy, smart, sexy, sleek, fun, bright, bold, tiny, and large. It’s an expressive form of art!
Q: How would you define your personal style?
My style would be edgy, sexy, and fun. I love vintage and old looking clothing. As far as color goes, give me bold or subtle, and I will push it to the limit.
Q: Where are you based?
I’m based out of Chicago, born and raised there. However, I travel to Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Miami frequently.
Q: What’s it like being where you’re from?
Growing up in Chicago is a fun and fast paced lifestyle. I grew up with the beach behind my house (Lake Michigan). So, most of my childhood was spent swimming in the water, making sand castles and eating Chicago style dogs at the park next door. It was great. As a Chicagoan, when you leave the city, you learn to appreciate all that the city has to offer. We offer a large variety of foods from a hundred different cultures, beautiful art and museums throughout the city, as well as a wealth of shopping, and entertainment activities. You could probably spend 10 years in the chi and never get to do all the activities we have going. I love it!
Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
Achieving numerous magazine covers has definitely been a career highlight. It takes some people years to get covers. I’ve managed to get 4 in 1 month! I’m humbly thankful.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve over the next 12 months?
Over the next 12 months, I would like to be the “face” of a major label brand or company. I would love to participate in TV commercials and see myself in major motion picture films.
Q: What do you do to relax?
I exercise, and then drink tea, and eat English muffins with ham and eggs. This does it up for me!
Q: Where would your favorite holiday (vacation) be and why? I love Christmas, specifically I would love to take a vacation to Switzerland, and experience skiing, and the holiday spirit they have going on there. I think it would be a fun trip!

Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos
Q: What songs are on your iPod at the moment?
I have a LARGE variety of music stretching from Simon and Garfunkel to Andréa Bocelli, and then from Red Hot Chili Peppers to Lil’ Wayne. I’m a big fan of all music; there is not one genre of music that I dislike.
Q: Do you have any interesting hobbies? I have a few hidden talents. You would probably not expect to know that I’m a painter, and artist in nature. I have a passion for the arts, and believe art has much relevancy to all of our lives. I specialize in oil and acrylic painting, sculpture and also graphic arts.
Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new or aspiring models what would it be?
I would say like my mother tells me, “stay strong, and never give up “. The end isn’t near, keep pressing towards the future and put 100% into all of your work. It’s very important to stay hungry for achievement. This is a winning combination in my book.
Q: What motivates you to do what you do?
My drive and ambition to be great and do great things helps motivate me to get to the next l I aspire to move my career to a level that isn’t stipend by just what one industry depicts it to be. I would eventually want to achieve a global presence, and use it to also give back and help others. I know many say, “girl, you set your goals high”, however I was always told, “reach for the stars baby”!
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?
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Adella Pasos

Adella Pasos
Editor’s Note: Adella Pasos’ creativity and attention to detail means that she is a very diverse model, equally at home portraying different fashion styles. At Urbanity Chic we’re sure you’ll be seeing a lot more of Adella Pasos over the coming months and years.
If you’d like to get in touch with Adella Pasos just follow the links below:
Twitter link: @adellapasos
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