Lyndsey Clark is an upcoming fashion designer and corsetiere from Reading, UK. At Urbanity Chic when we first saw some of Lyndsey Clark’s creations we were impressed, particularly by how her creativity has allowed her to use sustainably sourced fabrics and recycled materials to create bespoke and made-to-measure corsets. Despite Lyndsey’s increasingly hectic schedule we were delighted when she found the time to complete an interview with Urbanity Chic. Read on to find out, amongst other things, where Lyndsey obtains her design inspirations, what the first thing she ever designed was and what she’s hoping to achieve over the next 12 months.

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Photographer: Andrea Veronica Virna
MUA: Melissa Kassinen
Model: Daniela Mazzolini

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Model: Safari Kint
MUA’s: Bobbie Ross & Nao Mabuchi
Photographer: Kamil Kurnikoff
Q: What are you currently working on?
Steampunk wedding dresses.
Q: How have the last 12 months been for you?
Chaotic and very challenging- I just celebrated my 1st year self-employed!
Q: What does fashion mean to you?
A starting point for embellishment, to make into something of your own!
Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?
I tend to admire lesser-known and emerging designers….anyone who thinks outside the box a little. I am generally not really a follower of fashion trends, I guess I am more passionate about costume, I am a big fan of Coleen Atwood, the costume designer responsible for the costumes in many of Tim Burton’s films.
Q: What was the first thing you ever designed?
I used to make a lot of my own clothes, but the first thing I designed (as opposed to just cutting something up and seeing what happens!) was the umbrella dress…. a dress made almost entirely from umbrellas, consisting of a fully boned bodice, and a skirt of opened umbrellas mounted on a crinoline.

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Model: Tasha Bateman
Make up and Hair: Amanda Spong
Photography: Shawn Bishop

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Model: Tasha Bateman
Make up and Hair: Amanda Spong
Photography: Shawn Bishop
Q: Where do you get your inspiration?
Everywhere! -- Often from the mundane…. I like to create using unconventional materials, I once made a dress from black bin bags, and recently another entirely from second hand bras (for breast cancer awareness) I get a lot of inspiration from I often find fabrics offer a lot of inspiration, I like to make things from old curtains and table cloths, soft furnishings are never safe when I’m around- I like giving old, tired items a new lease of life.
Q: Who inspires you?
Lots of people- I love to hear about enterprising people giving up the jobs they hate, to build a creative business in something they love- is full of really inspiring stories about people creating successful businesses using their imagination and creativity.
Q: How would you define the style your work exemplifies?
I consider my creations to be ‘wearable art’, I rarely follow particular fashion trends, I am really focused on recycling materials for design projects, creating something extraordinary, from something very ordinary.
Changing the world, one corset at a time.
Q: How would you define your personal style?
A little bohemian, a little burlesque, a little grunge.
Q: Where are you based?
In Reading, about 40miles outside of London.
Q: What’s it like being where you’re from?
Its great- Reading has a fabulous arty population, lots of arts markets, vintage fayres and emerging independent theatres. Reading is close enough to London to see regular exhibitions and shows (great for inspiration!) but far enough to avoid the stress of the city!
Q: How would you define your city’s fashion?
Reading is quite trendy- it has all the usual high street shops….but also has its share of quirky independent boutiques, (which are sadly undiscovered by the majority!) and a few quirky characters doing their own thing.
Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
Oooh, tough question… I guess it would be Reading arts week 2012, a fantastic event held by Reading borough council- I organized 2 small fashion shows as part of the week. The shows were loads of fun, and the whole thing was a really great networking opportunity- met some gorgeous models, and some mind blowing MUAs and photographers.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve over the next 12 months?
My first 12 months have seen my work sent to 13 different countries, I’d like to conquer a little more of the world!- I love making custom wedding dresses, and it really pleases me to know that women all over the world are enjoying their big day wearing something I created.

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Photographer: Mia W Rasselkaf
MUA and hair: Joyce Conner (
Headpiece: Adrienne Henry Millinery
Bra dress model: Victoria Peachey
Little girl model: Ellie Sainsbury

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Model: PG alternative model UK/pt
Photographer: Kamil Kurnikoff
MUA: Nao Mabuchi
Q: What do you do to relax?
I find hand sewing really therapeutic…. and crime dramas! I can often be found with a mug of ridiculously sweet coffee, watching far-fetched mysteries (the more far-fetched the better!) and a needle and thread in hand…
Q: Where would your favourite holiday (vacation) be and why?
I am a festival fanatic- I think festivals are my idea of a perfect holiday- I’m off the Glastonbury for the 6th time in 2013. I love it!
Q: What songs are you listening to at the moment?
I’m a bit obsessed with ‘The Heavy’ at the moment
Q: Do you have interesting hobbies?
I am a bit of a bookworm, I read…A LOT of sci fi. And I spend a lot of time photographing, painting and illustrating, my bizarre doodles and photos are often the starting point for my most successful creations!
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?
Absolutely- my custom made recycled corsets and wedding dresses- I can make you something completely unique, using fabric of your choice…perhaps you have a pair of your grandmothers curtains, no use for them, but just can’t bring yourself to part with them…how about a corset made from them?!
Q: Where can we find out more about or purchase your work?
Find me: ‘Lyndsey Clark Boutique’ on Facebook
Or email

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Model: Pandora Pitstop
Photographer: Gavin Mechaniques

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Q: What motivates you to do what you do?
This is what I am passionate about; I enjoy what I do so much.
Editor’s Note: Lyndsey Clark takes a sustainable and enthralling slant fashion corsetry to create some amazing fashion pieces with a distinct commercial edge.
If you’d like to learn more about or get in touch with Lyndsey Clark just follow the links below:
Twitter link:
Facebook link:!/pages/Lyndsey-Clark-Boutique/202645552088
Web page link:
Etsy shop:

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Photographer: Andrea Veronica Virna
MUA: Tori Harris
Model: Raeven Irata

Lyndsey Clark Boutique
Photographer: Mia Rasselkaf