Cleo Miami is a commercial fashion and runway model from London. At Urbanity Chic we’ve noticed some of Cleo’s portfolio for a while now from afar and we were delighted when we finally organized an interview that despite her hectic schedule she agreed. Read the full in depth interview below where Cleo discusses, amongst other things, what creative projects she’s recently been working on. What her advice for people looking to work in the fashion industry would be and where her ideal holiday destination would be.

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami
Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?
When I was fourteen years old I did a hair modeling competition for Antonio’s Hair Salon in Canterbury, Kent for my hairdresser and Sister in-law Chantal. It was such an amazing experience that I decided to follow my career as a model. I took the opportunity to move to London aged nineteen, I started networking and following Fashion trends and it kind of just fell into place from there.
Q: How have the last 12 months been for you?
A lot of fun and very busy at times. I have been working on a number of projects including building my own modeling agency. I have so much to learn but I am enjoying every step it takes and I love meeting new people.
Q: Who inspires you?
I am not actually inspired by any one particular person more inspired by a type of person such as; someone who has come from nothing and has made something of themselves. It is so easy when you have wealthy and supporting parents, especially parents who are already well established in the industry that you would like to get into. I am very inspired by people who literally have nothing and they succeed in something that is hard to crack, such as the Modeling and Acting Industries, especially when they do it all on there own, It shows real courage.
Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?
I love designers who create elegant eveningwear; I am attracted to the glamour in clothes, pearls and diamanté’s is a must. I am also into new and up and coming designers. I would say the designer I am very into right now is: Luna Sky, her clothes are so beautifully created and really fit your figure well. Luna has amazing taste and her clothes never cease to amaze me.
Luna Sky:
Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?
I prefer to shoot in Studio as you can do so much with the backgrounds, lighting, props and themes. I also like shooting on location too as this can add more detail to images.

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami
Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?
First thing I do when I am booked for a shoot/show is arrange my clothes of what I am going to wear to the shoot and sometimes what I will be wearing for the after party. Then I go to get my nails and hair prepped ready for whatever treatments will be styled on the day. I then make sure I eat very healthily the day before and on the day to make sure no bloating happens especially if your shooting swimwear. When shooting, I like to go through certain magazines to see what kind of poses are in right now and keep myself updated with fashion trends. For Runway, I rehearse my walk and see of ways I can improve and change to make it better.
Q: Do you have a favorite photograph?
Yes, my favorites are the ones used in this interview.
Q: Who is your favorite photographer?
I do not favor just one photographer as they are all talented in their own right but I do really love: Mario Testino and Ellen Von Unwerth.
Q: Is there anybody you would like to work with?
I would love to shoot with Stylist Jen Rade, I love her style and confidence. Jen has worked with A-list stars such as Angelina Jolie, Pink and Cher.
Q: What does fashion mean to you?
To me it means personality, embracing who you are on the inside and broadcasting it on the outside. The fashion world is brutal and people’s understanding and definition of fashion is even scarier.
Q: How would you define your personal style?
My personal style is very sophisticated and elegant, I love to dress chick by day and glamorous by night.

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami
Q: Where are you based?
I am currently based in Central London, Zone 1.
Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
Thetravelling has been a lot of fun whether it is across England or in Europe. I would have to say the highlight would be meeting creative open-minded people in the industry. These people are not scared to express their selves and have a lot of ambition to get to where they want to be in life, regardless of the obstacles they face. I like to surround myself with people whom I aspire to be like.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve over the next 12 months?
I am looking to shoot more magazine submissions and have my agency up and running.
Q: What do you do to relax?
I usually take around a week off, every two to three months and spend this time with my family. I am the eldest of eight children and it gives me a lot of motivation being around them.
Q: Where would your favorite holiday (vacation) be and why?
In the Maldives as its very beautiful and peaceful.
Q: What songs are on your iPod at the moment?
Garage, Reggae, DnB, Dub Step, House and Rap. Latest and old school tunes.
Q: What motivates you to do what you do?
My family.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know?
Never stop believing in yourself. If your feeling you need a dramatic change in life read about The Secret, it will help you understand about life and most importantly about yourself.

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami

Cleo Miami
Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new or aspiring models what would it be?
There is a common misconception within the industry, that you have to be super skinny, super tall and super sexy to become a model. This is simply not true.
If you look at hundreds of different TV commercials, magazine ads, billboards, you will see that every different kind of look is being used in advertising. The truth is, that advertisers need to target every different groups of people in our society and you are a part of our vast society as well.
There are people that like the same things as you and that think, dress and look similar to you too. These are whom you will market the best to and especially now days the variety in models is a huge demand for normal average looking people. You can be size 0 to a size 22 it really doesn’t matter.
Just the other day, I was informed of a casting for a top designer looking for a fitting model. The client specifically stated that the model must be a size 20 in real life and that she wasn’t looking for someone who had looks of a model.
And of course there is always work for people who are naturally… sexy.
(*Note: Sexy is not so much a look, as it is a personality!)
Editor’s Note: Cleo Miami has an extremely versatile, alluring look that is suited to a variety of commercial modeling scenarios. Definitely one of Urbanity Chic’s “Ones to Watch”.
If you’d like to get in touch with Cleo Miami or check out more of her artistically diverse modeling portfolio just follow the links below:
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SN Link: