Spotlight Interview – AJ Ajif

AJ Ajif, is a fashion model from London. Despite being busy, recently completing his studies we were delighted when he agreed to be interviewed by Urbanity Chic so that we could share his interests and experiences with you. Read on to find out about, amongst other things, which modern-day fashion designers AJ is inspired by, how he prepares for a shoot and what music he enjoys listening to.


AJ Ajif



Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?

Well About two years ago, had a shoot with a mate And I was offered a free studio time for having such good images. Photographer was great and he put me on his web page and with the responses; it Gave me more confidence to follow it through in the industry.


Q: How have the last 12 months been for you?

It’s been a good year for me networking in the industry. It’s been an eye opener for me, getting to know more about the industry and how things work really (lol) Working with new and exciting people and clients and gaining loads of experience. I have learnt more about myself as a Model.

Some paid and TFP photo shoots to expand my portfolio, and add some variety into it, until I get myself an agent after Education, Wasn’t featuring in a lot of shoots due to my final year of studying. I wanted to put most of my time into this to come out in flying colors; now things are looking good in terms of Modeling.


Q: Who inspires you?

In my life I would say my father. And I channel that into everything I do in life ; Also look up to people like Tyson (yes the boxer)lol,Well Tyson Beckford his achievement an grace in the industry, And  right now would say David Gandy.

I think everyone has the potential to be inspiring and this is why I respect everyone and appreciate their contribution.


AJ Ajif


Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?

I would say designers like Tom Ford, Versace, Adidas, Calvin Klein, Armani, love their styles and collections! It would be a great moment to be on the runway for Versace, V.westwood, Calvin Klein and to work with them all will be fantastic.


Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?

I wouldn’t be able to choose really; because where ever the location for the shoot is I still get the image needed so I don’t really mind.


Q: Do you have any interesting stories about a particular photo shoot, or a casting you’d like to share?

Had a shoot with a foreign Photographer and on the way to the other studio, He decided to have a shoot outdoors. On the way to the studio crossing the tower bridge, he decided he would like to take some pictures when the bridge split opens. The models had to walk to the middle of the road to take the shots. There was a lot of jogging to the front of the bridge and back to the vehicle. Spectators were cheering and taking pictures. This shoot was hectic.


AJ Ajif


Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?

I do get the location ready for the shoot, a bit of facial treatment (lol) and avoid eating junk a night before the shoot. On the day, just wake up, and move along, It’s about having the right mind set and attitude.


Q: Do you have a favorite photograph?

Not a particular favorite as they all have their own unique style.



Q: Who is your favorite photographer?

All different and unique, still meeting more talented photographers.


Q: What does fashion mean to you?

Fashion is life, expressing yourself and looking right.


AJ Ajif


Q: Where are you based?

Based in South East London.


Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?

Well, it’s been good so far, but if I had to pick a moment this will be walking at LFW10. This was a good moment for me, highlight of my runway (Still working towards my big goal, to work with the best in the industry and book a campaign).


Q: What are you hoping to achieve over the next 12 months?

A huge step forward in the industry and good clients in my book; more hot jobs and also gain more experience in the commercial side of modeling, TV ads etc.


AJ Ajif


Q: What do you do to relax?

All round workouts in the gym (lol), pool and dinner (I guess I love my food).


Q: What songs are on your ipod at the moment?

Interesting Playlist, Got some Hip-hop, A bit of Tiny Temper, Gaga, R.kelly but listening to Lil Wayne’s Album, at the moment.


Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new or aspiring models what would it be?

It’s all about the way you compose yourself Especially on a shoot, be professional and Focus…Be polite and also Network,,,(listen to advice and criticism, this is what builds you up)And take care of your body oh yeah and drink more water. lol


Q: What motivates you to do what you do?

I would say the desire to inspire and achieve greatness…And my alarm clock.


Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?

It’s been fun doing this; and look out for Aj Ajif, ”Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” Get in touch.


AJ Ajif


Editor’s Note: Although AJ has only recently started is journey into the realms of professional fashion modeling, he already has an enviable portfolio which will undoubtedly lead to continued success in the fashion industry.


If you’d like to contact AJ Ajif or check out some more of his portfolio just follow the links below:


Twitter link:!/AjStyles_M

Starnow link:

Web page link:

About Urbanity Chic

Urbanity Chic is an interactive magazine for anyone who loves fashion and style.

Find out about the best style tips, fashion trends as well as in depth articles about the most influential fashion icons, fashion designers and fashion photographers.


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