Amy Amy is an upcoming model who is currently living and working in London. Amy has recently won Flavourmag’s ( 2011 Miss Flavour model of the year competition. We were delighted when she agreed to complete a spotlight interview with Urbanity Chic so we could share her experiences, thoughts and portfolio with you. Read on to find out about what Amy has been doing throughout this year, who she would like to work with given a chance and where her favourite holiday destination would be.

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: Who are you called?
Amy Amy is how people call me since I made a name in the modeling world.
Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?
I’ve always liked to put on different outfits and show them off, taking pictures of myself in different moods and situations
I went to Barcelona, Spain when I was 16 on holiday with friends and I met a photographer who told me that I reminded him a famous model he was working with and invited me for a test shoot in his studio.
It was my first studio shoot. I loved it and fortunately received more work proposals since, but at the same time I promised my family to finish my studies so I started Uni 2 years later doing some part time modelling jobs.
Q: How have the last 12 months been for you?
Amazing. I like to think that whatever happens in life is that it’s worth living.
I’ve had some really good days and really bad days but I’m still here in good health, thanks to God so I can just be thankful and amazed.
A month ago I was crowned Miss Flavour magazine. I am happy for that too because its a new step in my modeling career and also is some recognition for all the work I have been doing
I’ve also met some wonderful people and some less wonderful lol but at the end of the day what ever doesn’t kill me makes me stronger!

Amy Amy

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: Who inspires you?
I am inspired everyday by different people I don’t like to name celebrities or big names as an inspiration because even my neighbours can inspire me. I am especially inspired by people who care about what is happening around them and try doing something to fight injustice and improve human rights.
People who dedicate their lives for other less fortunate people’s lives especially inspire me too and I am lucky to be surrounded by these kinds of people.
Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?
I don’t really look up for anybody in particular but of course I take inspiration from loads.
I love Sonia Rykiel the mix between high class and funk is totally me totally what I love.
I think that most of the fashion icons nowadays are too black or too white we need more just middle.
-- I love the classy with a touch of madness
-- I love the beauty with a touch of ugliness
-- I love the fashion with a touch of non-sense
Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?
I love both. I love shooting on location because its always a new discovery, a new surprise and its challenging for me because I have to adapt myself to the environment. I love to put myself in a different position and different character. That’s my actress side like I love to say!
I love to work in studio because I am always amazed by the power of the lighting.

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: Do you have any interesting stories about a particular photo shoot, or a casting you’d like to share?
I went in America for the first time for a shoot last year to Arizona in the desert and I loved it. I was surprised by the strength of the landscape and the brightness of the natural light. I realized how I like to do what I do and how nature is amazing!
Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?
It is funny because modeling in a way reminds me of university the day before an exam. I just don’t really prepare myself, just do everything I can to not be tired on the day because the most important is to be fully awake and aware of everything.
Then its obviously an everyday life preparation such as drinking a lot of water, taking care of myself drinking no alcohol at all, having a good sleeping routine but not too much. I don’t have any obsession I like to enjoy life because life is a gift.
Q: Do you have a favourite photograph?
No I don’t. I really do not like this notion of favourite there is so many amazing ones and diverse too. I love diversity.

Amy Amy

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: Who is your favourite photographer?
I will say the same for the photographer I have been working with and be inspired by a lot of amazing photographers. I cant name just one it will be unfair so I will say that my favourite ones are the passionate ones.
Q: Is there anybody you would like to work with?
I would love to work for Victoria’s Secret. I love the way their shows and shoots are articulate. Its just spectacularly amazing and at the same time so theatrical.
Q: What does fashion mean to you?
For me fashion is the power to assert your own personality and a way to show a state of mind and to place yourself in the social life.

Amy Amy

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: How would you define your personal style?
Some people like to say I have a funky style and I can be really classy at the same time. I can take inspiration from really different inspirations; it can be from Hip Hop to gothic, from high fashion to street style.
Q: Where are you based?
I am from the South of France but I have lived in South London for the last 2 and a half years.
Q: What’s it like being where you’re from?
I grew up in a small village in the South of France. As the only Black girl in my school it was not easy everyday, especially because kids can be really harsh but at the same time I learnt a lot from my childhood.
I learnt that people are not necessarily racist but ignorant and scared of the unknown so most of the time the best weapon is intelligence and culture.
I also learnt that inner beauty and self-confidence can be worked on everyday. If one day you woke up, you felt beautiful and you really meant it, nobody can take it from you.
France is also a country full of culture and opportunity I was glad to have the chance to grow up there with my family.

Amy Amy

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
I can’t really talk about highlights. I still feel that I’m in the beginning of my career but I can definitely say that winning the Miss Flavour competition has had a big impact.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve over the next 12 months?
I really want to cross the frontier via my modeling career and achieve a large public status and to be able to be a spokesperson for all the causes I want fight for. I also want to have the right knowledge and funds to start my own fashion company
Q: What do you do to relax?
I watch TV series or I read but my favourite place to relax is definitely my bed lol
Q: Where would your favourite holiday (vacation) be and why?
I would love to go South America because it is the only continent I haven’t visited so far. I would love to go Brazil or Cuba because from what I’ve read, learnt and heard about these two destinations have everything that is important for me in a holiday destination.
-- History and culture for Cuba
-- Diversity, culture and an amazing landscape for Brazil
Q: What songs are on your iPod at the moment?
The new album of Beyoncé. I love it! Its funny because people who know me will say that I’m the anti romantism but I love romantic music, sort of paradoxical!
I also love different types of music. You will find on my iPod Jamaican music, Congolese music, Nigerian music, Indian music, merengue, reaggaton, salsa, samba and house afrobeat music

Amy Amy

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Q: Do you have any interesting hobbies?
I have a degree in communication. During my studies I have learnt how to promote a company, a product or an event.
I love to organise events I always help my friends to organise concerts, parties, weddings, birthdays, anything!
I love to dance as well, all kinds of dance! I love to see how all different kind of dance can be related to music.
I love travelling and discovering new cultures, new languages, new horizons and new people.
Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new or aspiring models what would it be?
I will say to all the models out there that at the end of the day we are all human all equal so don’t be impressed by nobody and don’t let anybody destroy your dream.
Work hard for what you want just do it thinking am I happy here? If the answer is yes-just go on life is too short
Q: What motivates you to do what you do?
My family and friends who truly believes and me and support me everyday. Myself because I think its most important to be confident about yourself. If you start to believe in yourself you can make a lot of people believe in you too.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?
I am really involved in charity work and love to fight for the right causes. I support a foundation that fights for womens’ rights throughout the world; and especially in the country I’m originally from, the Congo. You can check out for more information. I will be working with them from 2012 so please stay updated supporting my facebook page Amy Amymissflavour.

Amy Amy

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Editor’s Note: Amy Amy has an incredibly striking and unforgettable look that has tremendous appeal. Every photo exudes her personality and style.
If you’d like to learn more about or contact Amy Amy just follow the links below:
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