Anisha Uppal is an upcoming commercial model from London and is our latest winner in our ongoing search to find some of the best upcoming models in the UK. Despite Anisha only recently getting involved in the fashion industry, she has already developed an intriguing portfolio of work that we’re really keen to share with you. Read her Spotlight Interview below. Find out about, amongst other things, how Anisha prepares for a fashion shoot, what music she enjoys listening to and where her ideal holiday destination would be.

Anisha Uppal

Anisha Uppal
Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?
It was really random. I was watching America’s Next Top Model and thought, “Hey, I bet I could do this!” So, just for the fun of it, I took some pictures on my laptop and submitted them to an agency. A month later I got a call saying I was successful. Haven’t looked back since!
Q: How have the last 12 months been for you?
It’s like entering a new world. It’s been insanely different! One second I’m at University studying Politics and in the next, I’m in front of the camera. I’m lovin’ it!
Q: Who inspires you?
I love quotes. I have quotes up all over my room. So it’s not a specific person who inspires me but things people say that inspire my day-to-day life.
Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?
I really like Alexander McQueen and other designers who aren’t afraid to make a bold statement. My fashion icon would have to be Coco Chanel. Her individuality changed the face of fashion and politics for women.

Anisha Uppal

Anisha Uppal
Buy: Calvin Klein -- Obsession
Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?
I definitely prefer shooting on different locations. It’s exciting to play around with the environment. You can embody a character; create a scenario that works with what’s around you. And of course, there’s nothing as beautiful as natural lighting!
Q: Do you have any interesting stories about a particular photo shoot, or a casting you’d like to share?
Only a few days ago, I did a photo shoot with cars. So at night time, me along with the team, found a random location. There was a church with a garden in front, autumn leaves had fallen all over the road, and there was an overall orange hue to the night. It was fantastic. We just stopped there, I changed outfits (in the car) to create various themes and we started taking shots. That was really exciting. I’d do it again!
Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?
To be honest, I don’t really prepare for a fashion shoot. On the day, just wake up, go with it… It’s more about clearing your head and having the right mind set. Even if you’re tired, you got to put that aside. You got to raise your energy up, feel the environment, and work with the people. So there’s really nothing to prepare besides your attitude.
Q: What does fashion mean to you?
To me, fashion is about the clothes you live in. It comes down to your personal style, about expressing yourself metaphorically through patterns, designs, colours, and accessories. And even though a lot of people say it’s not about comfort. Because you are expressing yourself, despite five inch high heels and tight corsets, for me it’s comfort all the same.
Q: How would you define your personal style?
On a day-to-day basis, I’m very relaxed. I don’t wear make-up. I like my jeans, sweaters and boots! For an occasion, however I love to dress simple, stylish and sophisticated. It’s all about class!
Q: Where are you based?
I’m currently based in Central London.
Q: What’s it like being where you’re from?
Well, I’m Indian but really, I grew up all over the world. I’m very open to new cultures, I almost expect diversity. At the same time, my parents made sure I understand my own culture and heritage well. It’s taught me to try new things but to always stay grounded, to always remember where I’ve come from.

Anisha Uppal

Anisha Uppal
Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
It’s yet to come!
Q: What do you do to relax?
I’ve always been a really athletic person. That helps me relax! I love running. It clears my mind. I practice yoga almost every day and try meditating as often as possible. I also love listening to music. It calms my mind.
Q: Where would your favourite holiday (vacation) be and why?
Brazil! I love the beach, the culture, and more than anything else, I love samba!
Q: What songs are on your iPod at the moment?
A complete mix…From Chopin and the Beatles to Jay-Z and Carlos Santana…
Q: Do you have any interesting hobbies?
I love playing the piano, running, watching Dexter and Big Bang Theory. I like spending time with my friends and family.
Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new or aspiring models what would it be?
I’d tell them to know how far they’re willing to go to get what they want. But to know that, it’s important first to know yourself.
Q: What motivates you to do what you do?
I like the art of it. That really motivates me! I’m generally a pretty logical and structured person. It’s so refreshing to unleash my creative side.

Anisha Uppal

Anisha Uppal
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?
Nothing in particular. Just keep your eyes open 🙂
Editor’s Note: Anisha Uppal is starting to build an impressive commercial portfolio and we’re looking forward to seeing her extend her influence, working on the screen and in magazines as she starts to get noticed in the fashion industry.
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