Spotlight Interview – Keith Penberthy

Keith Penberthy is a commercial model, originally from Johannesburg in South Africa, and is currently working and living in Spain. Despite Keith’s current hectic schedule we were delighted when he agreed to complete a feature interview for Urbanity Chic. Read on to find out about how Keith got into fashion modeling, an interesting shoot concerning ostriches and what motivates him to pursue a career in the fashion industry.


Keith Penberthy

Keith Penberthy

L'Oreal - Glam Shine

Buy: L’Oreal Glam Shine


Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?

I was introduced to a modeling agency in Cape Town through the Producer at Frieze Films.

He was responsible for starting my modeling career. Renier Ridgeway is his name, great Producer, friend and human being!


Q: How was 2010 for you?

2010 has been a great year for me in building my career as a model. Working with new and exciting people and clients and gaining loads of experience. I learnt a lot about myself in this year. I also turned 25 on the 25th September 2010 which was the start of my crown year.


Q: Who inspires you?

Ghandi, Jesus, John Lennon, Bruce Lee.


Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?

Marcus Schenkenberg.


Keith Penberthy

Keith Penberthy


Buy: Sisley


Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?

I have no preference to be honest as the results from each can differ so much.

What I do like about shooting on location is that you get to travel and see things and places

That you may not have seen otherwise. It keeps things exciting! At the same time studio work can  be really fun as well!


Q: Do you have an interesting stories about a particular photo shoot, or a casting you’d like to share?

A casting that sticks in my mind  was when we were asked if we had ever ridden an Ostrich.. My answer was, “I have ridden, horses, donkeys, camels, big dogs, but Ostriches, no, well not yet at least”.. Then we needed to continue in acting out a scene where it was a group of four friends racing each other on imaginary Ostriches.. Needless to say the movements and the noises that came from us were rather peculiar and must have been just down right hilarious and entertaining for the casting director who could not keep a straight face, nor keep his uncontrollable bursts of laughter in..


Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?

I always try to maintain my health, looks and body by eating correctly and training regularly.

Keep the body happy.


Keith Penberthy

Keith Penberthy


Buy: Levi’s


Q: Do you have a favourite photograph?

Not a particular favourite as they all have their own unique style.


Q: Who is your favourite photographer?

David Lachapelle


Q: Is there anybody you would like to work with?

Bruce Lee.. I realize my chances are slim to none however.. 😉


Q: What does fashion mean to you?

Expression of appearance




Keith Penberthy

Keith Penberthy


Ralph Lauren

Buy: Ralph Lauren


Q: How would you define your personal style?

I am quite laid back and chilled.. I fit more in the surfers category with a pair of board shorts and slops

Q: Where are you based?

At the moment I am in Spain. Not based anywhere as of yet.. I like to roam


Q: What’s it like being where you’re from?

Johannesburg… Well. Where do I start? For me it’s a contrast as the land is so beautiful and rich in natural resources and wild animals.. However the city has rapidly developed, claiming more of the beautiful land. The city itself has become dangerous and full of violent crimes.. You have first class and third class extremes living next to one another and poverty is ever so evident. The money in Johannesburg attracts people from Africa to the “promise of work”, only to find themselves being drawn into the struggle of unemployment and inevitably crime. The people of Johannesburg are generally very friendly, open minded and creative individuals with strong work ethics. It is a very cosmopolitan place where are cultures, religions and races can live and work together. This is my perception at least..


Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?

The Ciroc Vodka commercial.


Keith Penberthy


Q: What are you hoping to achieve in 2011?

International stardom 😉


Q: What do you do to relax?

Read, write, swim, lay in the sun, stretch, beach, sex.


Q: What songs are on your ipod at the moment?

A lot of Café del Mar, golden oldies, rock, jazz, reggae, 90´s, soul, funk, Love Nirvana, old school hip hop (before they used to sing about bitches and hoes and money, when they still sang about life and life struggles and meanings and hopes etc.) A good modern day hip-hop album is Stic Man from Dead Prez – The Workout Album.


Q: Do you have interesting hobbies?

Spearfishing, and recently Astrology.


Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new or aspiring models what would it be?

It’s a tough industry, if you want the easy path, then don’t walk this one.. If you do, give it all you have, don’t give up and don’t take any job let downs personally. Keep positive and focused on what it is that you really want and bring it towards you.


Keith Penberthy

Keith Penberthy

Armani Jeans


Q: What motivates you to do what you do?

I love sports, nutrition, health and training my body. For me it is where my passions are found, along with travel and networking.


Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?

Life is all about choices. it’s the decisions that you chose that will define the person who you are.


Editor’s Note: Keith Penberthy has an impressive portfolio of dynamic commercial shots that will ensure continued success on a variety of assignments. 

About Urbanity Chic

Urbanity Chic is an interactive magazine for anyone who loves fashion and style.

Find out about the best style tips, fashion trends as well as in depth articles about the most influential fashion icons, fashion designers and fashion photographers.


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