Barbara Zatler is a commercial model, actress and television presenter from Copenhagen, Denmark. Despite Barbara’s incredibly hectic schedule, particularly for radio hosting and acting we were delighted that she agreed to complete an interview for Urbanity Chic. Read the full interview below to discover how Barbara prepares for a fashion shoot, who her inspirations are and what she’s hoping to achieve for the rest of 2011.

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler
Q: How did you get into fashion modeling?
I was contacted by some photographers and then it just took off from that point. So my name got out there and more jobs came along with that! And last I got into and agency so I got more and more into the modeling.
Q: How was 2010 for you?
It was a great year for me. I got to do the things that I wanted and my friends and family was in great health so I could not ask for more! I had some amazing experiences along the way in the job area.
Q: Who inspires you?
I don’t think I have a specific person in mind. Not a famous one, I think it’s my friends that give me the inspiration to do what I do. I look at them and see how strong they are and that keeps me going and makes me believe its possible!
Q: Which modern day fashion designers or fashion icons do you look up to?
I look up to Coco Chanel, she had such a rough life but she managed to get far and build up a big name for herself. That’s a strong woman in my eyes! And of course my dear friend Dennis Lyngsoe whom has designed dresses for me to red carpet events. He can create some of the most amazing dresses!

Barbara Zatler by Mikkel Marquart

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler
Q: Do you prefer to shoot on location or in the studio?
I prefer on location as it’s more fun and alive when you get to go somewhere to shoot. I see new places and I think the picture gets more to it when you’re on location. Not to say that you can’t be creative in a studio, you can very much indeed but I prefer location.
Q: How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or show?
I make sure to get some sleep so I’m well rested and to look clean and healthy. Nobody wants to look at a tired model. I always make sure to be on time cause no one waits for you! I try not to think too much so I don’t get nervous; I can sometimes be that way and its no good.
Q: Do you have a favourite photograph?
I have many so it would be hard to pick one. But I like working with Nicky De Silva. He is really great and fun to work with and I love his work. And he took my favorite picture that was for The Rock N Roll magazine.

Barbara Zatler - Barbara's Favourite Photograph for Rock 'n Roll Magazine

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler
Q: Is there anybody you would like to work with?
Hmmm.. Good question. Let me think for a minute… Alan Strutt is one of them and we have been talking about doing so. But only time can tell.
Q: What does fashion mean to you?
Well fashion means to me that we have some great designers who always come up with new ways on how we can wear our clothes. They always bring us ideas on how we should dress and what’s in at the moment. I don’t really follow the trend , as I believe that one should pick its own personal touch. That’s fashion to me if you make fashion out of the clothes you have and mix it all together without bringing some Versace or LV into it!
Q: How would you define your personal style?
My style is classic and casual most of the time. I like the 70’s style so I mix a lot of that into my style.
Q: Where are you based?
I’m based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Q: What’s it like being where you’re from?
Its cold! No it’s great to be from Denmark. It’s a very free and open-minded country. It’s a Christian country but not as much as in the states! People here seem to forget and don’t visit the churches as often as in the old days! We have a Royal family and snow in the winter and some days of hot summer in the summer time. Its not know for its sunny beaches as its often very rainy and windy here in Denmark. But I love it here. I was born and raised here so for me it’s not so bad although I could use some more sunny days!

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler
Q: What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
The highlight of my career has been doing with acting on movies. That’s where my passion is these days. I like doing motion pictures.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve in 2011?
I hope to be doing a lot more of acting and besides that do more in the area of comedy and radio hosting as I’m also working with. I like to try it all out in the entertainment industry.
Q: What do you do to relax?
I stay in bed and cuddle with my dog while watching a good movie! Or I hang out with my friends and a good dinner.
Q: What songs are on your iPod at the moment?
Well I like a lot of rock. The doors -five to one , Pink Floyd -money, Muse -The White Stripes -seven nations army, the verve -- The drugs don’t work. Kings of Leon- Sex on Fire. Are some of the songs I listen to.

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler
Q: Do you have interesting hobbies?
I like painting, I fix my car if something is wrong and I can do it myself of course. I’m also interested in nature, so I like taking care of the wild life.
Q: If you could give a little piece of advice for new models or aspiring models what would it be?
It would be to get some great images for your portfolio so you can show agencies or clients that you have a strong book. Also never think you cant do it cause you might have some few extra pounds, its better to have a shape then to be too skinny. This is quite the problem these days that girls think they should look so thin to be a model NOT TRUE! So just go for it and I’m sure it will work out just fine. There’s nothing more beautiful then a woman with a nice figure!
Q: What motivates you to do what you do?
My friends and my family motivate me. When I find it hard they bring me back on track. I think that is my answer to that. These are the people that I look up to and motivate me to keep on going.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to let our readers know about?
I would just take the time to thank you for having me and for the readers to have taking the time to read what I had to say. Hope to see you on my pages! 🙂

Barbara Zatler

Barbara Zatler
Editor’s Note: Barbara Zatler’s talent, personality and commercial look is partnered perfectly with her a deep passion for fashion and interest in all aspects of the entertainment industry. We’re sure you’ll notice Barbara in either advertisements or on the television next time you look.
If you’d like to see more of Barbara’s portfolio just follow the links below:
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